Ayn distinguishes three types of relationships — friendship, love, and sexual love. [...]
Her definition of “love” is what you feel for the irreplaceable: the person loved is of such personal value to you that if lost, you could never again find someone of that value. You could never get your life back to the way it was. You could go ahead with your life, work creatively, meet other people, but there would always be a void and an ache in your person, because you so valued the uniqueness of this person, the combination of qualities that no one else has. That is what she calls love. This relationship, she holds, can exist between two men who are both healthy [Wynand and Roark]; it would not include sex — because, she thought, they won’t have the desire for that form of expression of their love.
- Leonard Peikoff. Epilogue: An Interview with Leonard Peikoff.
6/28/2024, 6:00:10 PM - 8 months ago.